Chilcompton Playgroup
Term Time Tuesdays
Chilcompton Village Hall
Wells Road, Chilcompton
About Us
We are a volunteer led Playgroup open term time Tuesday's 10am to 11.30am.
We charge £2 per family which includes a delicious healthy snack for children and refreshments for adults.
We offer a wide variety of toys and games, a craft activity and even a sing along at the end.
Suitable for all children from newborns right up until they start school.
No need to book!
Cash or card payment accepted.

What we offer

A Healthy Snack
A Fun Hands On Activity

Adult Refreshments
Role Playing Toys

Song Time
Ride On Toys

A Corner for Babies
New Friends

♡ At the end of each term and throughout the year we try and celebrate each holiday.
♡ At Easter we will most likely have an Easter party with an egg hunt.
♡ At Christmas we will likely have a Christmas party and hopefully a visit from Santa! He will give all of the children a gift and we will play party games.
♡ Before the Summer holidays we will have a party and give out certificates of attendance and a little gift to all of the children, especially those who are going up to school!

Monthly Maker's Market
The first week of the month we invite local crafters and small businesses to join us along side our usual Playgroup to sell their wonderful children's items.

Christmas Market
Christmas 2022 we held a hugely successful Christmas Market to raise money for the Playgroup. We had over thirty stalls selling beautifully crafted items as well as homemade refreshments and a craft activity for the children. It was a well attended event and we hope to make it an annual thing so watch this space!

Contact Us
Chilcompton Playgroup
Chilcompton Village Hall
Wells Road, Chilcompton